Saturday, September 24, 2016
The IRS Scandal, Day 1234
Hot Air, The IRS Chief’s Meeting With the Judiciary Committee Didn’t Go Particularly Well:
You may recall that only a week ago the House decided to postpone an impeachment vote for IRS commissioner John Koskinen in favor of holding hearings instead. This clearly distressed a number of conservatives who feel that the mismanagement of the agency and its various scandals were more than sufficient grounds to give the man his walking papers. Still, the hearings were bound to produce some fireworks and the first round certainly didn’t disappoint. Today I wanted to hit a few of the highlights.
Right out of the gate, Koskinen was asked about previous statements he’d made under oath regarding the preservation and recovery of emails and other documents from the entire Lois Lerner affair. When pressed on the subject, the commissioner didn’t exactly say that he’d lied about it, but did admit that some of the things he said turned out not to be true. ...
I suppose that comes down to the age old question of whether you lied or you were simply wrong about something. That’s a question which the committee (and the public) will have to answer for themselves.
There was another question raised concerning the IRS employees who were found to have deleted all of those Lois Lerner emails. Surely these are the culprits we’re looking for here. I imagine they must be cooling their heels in jail by now or at least awaiting trial, right? Nope. Turns out that they are both still on the IRS payroll… just in a different department....
Don’t even get me started on that entire saga again. We’ve written about it here extensively and the idea that someone in that department could have been “unaware” of the maelstrom surrounding their office is beyond the pale. But as long as the stonewall continues, there doesn’t seem to be much that anyone can do about it… short of impeaching the boss. Yet when he was asked about the rather, er… suspicious timing of all those records being destroyed, Koskinen didn’t have much of an answer.
- UPI, Hearing Drags Out Resolution on IRS Impeachment Debate
- Wonkette, House Democrats Borrow IRS Hearings To Ask What’s The Deal With Trump’s Taxes
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1233 (Sept. 23, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1232 (Sept. 22, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1231 (Sept. 21, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1230 (Sept. 20, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1229 (Sept. 19, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1228 (Sept. 18, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1227 (Sept. 17, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1226 (Sept. 16, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1225 (Sept. 15, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1224 (Sept. 14, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1223 (Sept. 13, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1222 (Sept. 12, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1221 (Sept. 11, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1220 (Sept. 10, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1219 (Sept. 9, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1218 (Sept. 8, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1217 (Sept. 7, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1216 (Sept. 6, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1215 (Sept. 5, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1214 (Sept. 4, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1213 (Sept. 3, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1212 (Sept. 2, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1211 (Sept. 1, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1210 (Aug. 31, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1209 (Aug. 30, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1208 (Aug. 29, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1207 (Aug. 28, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1206 (Aug. 27, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1205 (Aug. 26, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1204 (Aug. 25, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1203 (Aug. 24, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1202 (Aug. 23, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 1201 (Aug. 22, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 1101-1200 (May 14, 2016 - Aug. 21, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 1001-1100 (Feb. 4, 2016 - May 13, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 901-1000 (Oct. 27, 2015 - Feb. 3, 2016)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 801-900 (July 19, 2015 - Oct. 26, 2015)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 701-800 (April 10, 2015 - July 18, 2015)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 601-700 (Dec. 31, 2014 - April 9, 2015)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 501-600 (Sept. 22, 2014-Dec. 30, 2014)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 401-500 (June 14, 2014 - Sept. 21,2014)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 301-400 (Mar. 6, 2014 - June 13, 2014)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 201-300 (Nov. 26, 2013 - Mar. 5, 2014)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 101-200 (Aug. 18, 2013 - Nov. 25, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Days 1-100 (May 10, 2013 - Aug. 17, 201
Out and out obstruction of justice. Of course the Obama DOJ will do nothing. How far we've fallen from the standards established after the Watergate crisis. It is ASTONISHING that the mainstream media is not in the least interested in this. Remember Woodward and Bernstein? Remember the valiant fight put up by the Washington Post and NY Times against Nixon's people stonewalling? Remember Judge John (Maximum John) Sirica putting the buglers in jail until McCord finally talked? Remember Nixon erasing eighteen and a half minutes of tape? Remember the outcry? Wow! Where has all that gone?
Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Sep 24, 2016 7:58:02 AM