Paul L. Caron

Friday, September 2, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1212

IRS Logo 2The Daily Caller, Real Power Behind IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal Still A Mystery:

An FBI investigation missed the IRS official who first set in motion the illegal targeting of conservative and tea party non-profit groups applying for tax exemption, documents obtained by a government watchdog group reveal.

An internal IRS document prohibited the targeted applicants from being approved automatically for tax exemption, and agency officials were told to send all such applications to the Orwellian-named Group 7822 to await additional guidance, FBI interviews obtained by Judicial Watch show.

It’s still unclear who authored the internal document that established Group 7822 and who ordered targeted applications be sent to Group 7822.

Disgraced IRS senior executive Lois Lerner has taken most of the heat since retiring from the federal tax agency, but the FBI investigation, which resulted in no prosecutions, suggested that Lerner didn’t write the internal guidance. It’s unclear if she had a role in creating Group 7822. ...

It’s unclear why the FBI did not press IRS officials on who was behind the BOLO and Group 7822. Judicial Watch did reveal, however, that a Department of Justice attorney who donated $6,750 to the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee spent more than 1,500 hours on the investigation.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Lawyers with IRS experience: Who would ordinarily write such a memo? Would it be someone in the Chief Counsel's office? Who would ordinarily have to sign off on it? The Chief Counsel himself?

Posted by: Eric Rasmusen | Sep 2, 2016 7:08:38 AM