Paul L. Caron

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rocky Mountain High:  The Secret Ingredient In Colorado Law School's 'Remarkable Recent Popularity'?

Colorado 2Following up on yesterday's post, Colorado Law School Enjoys All-Time High: Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform: Does Marijuana Legalization at Least Partially Account for the Remarkable Recent Popularity of Colorado Law?, by Douglas Berman (Ohio State):

I am disinclined to assert that hundreds (and perhaps even thousands) of prospective law students are now applying to the University of Colorado Law School just so they can legally relax with cannabis as well as with Coors after a tough week of classes.  But  marijuana reform has surely contributed to the recent success of the Colorado economy and this success surely produces unique benefits and opportunities for law students and junior lawyers.

Especially at a time when prospective law students are focused on employment prospects during and soon after law school, I think it fair to suggest marijuana legalization at least partially accounts for why Colorado Law is  so uniquely attractive to law school applicants during an era when most law school continue to struggle with a significant decline in applications.

For the record, the University of Colorado is #7 on Princeton Review's "Reefer Madness" ranking of the best colleges for students who love to smoke marijuana.

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Recreational marijuana is also legal in the District of Columbia. Not sure how the law school situation (6 schools!) will be affected, but now at least we can wonder for real what the politicians on the Hill have put in their pipes!

Posted by: Old Ruster from JD Junkyard | Aug 30, 2016 8:04:58 AM

Don't forget Oregon! Oregon, too, has had legalized recreational marijuana for over one year now, and the three Oregon law schools have not seen a similar uptick in applications.

Posted by: Mohsen Manesh | Aug 29, 2016 9:10:39 AM

As the prior commenter noted, if Berman were serious about wondering whethwr marijuana has driven Colorado Law's application surge, he would look into the obvious question: has there been a similar surge at the University of Denver, university of Washington, or University of Seattle – the three other schools that are in states that recently legalized marijuana? but he hasn't done that. Nor has he asked anyone at Colorado if there might be any other explanation for the application surge here. they say that to a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and I guess that to a marijuana "scholar," the pot explains everything, and you certainly don't want to look into any alternative explanations that might hint that marijuana doesn't explain everything....

Posted by: Scott | Aug 28, 2016 2:46:53 PM

Interesting. I wonder if the university of Denver seen the same situation? It is only separated from CU by about 30 spots in the U.S. news rankings, so, in theory, if pot were the draw, shouldn't they see an increase in interest as well?

Posted by: Anon | Aug 28, 2016 12:30:21 PM