Paul L. Caron

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Richmond Welcomes 112 1Ls, Down 36% From Last Year's 175

Richmond LogoRichmond Law School (ranked #55 in U.S. News) welcomed 112 1Ls this Fall, down 36% from last year's 175.  Their median LSAT and UGPA improved to 161 and 3.55 (from 160 and 3.51); their 75th percentile LSAT improved to 163 from 161 (although their 25% percentile LSAT declined to 154 from 155).  

Update:  Here is Richmond's admission data for the prior six years from Law School Transparency:


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I suspect none of the higher ranked schools want to come right out publicly against their lowest performing brethren, because the bottom schools' deans get a U.S. News peer ballot, and the fear of retaliation in the very thing law schools care about most (see, e.g., U.C. Irvine), keeps them silent...

Posted by: Anon | Aug 26, 2016 12:07:11 PM

Solid move towards becoming a sustainable institution. The second step for Richmond should be loudly advocating for the new ABA bar passage requirement (75% rule). That is how you turn this responsible move toward higher standards into a competitive advantage.

Posted by: JM | Aug 25, 2016 11:16:10 AM