Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1175

IRS Logo 2Hot Air, Hillary: Can You Imagine Electing a Vindictive Man Who Might … Send the IRS After His Critics?:

You know what? I can imagine it. Pretty vividly, actually. Right down to the names of the “hypothetical” IRS officers involved.

Of all the examples she could have cited to make the point that Trump is a loose cannon, how did she and her speechwriters conclude that this was one worth floating? I understand calling him out for wanting to issue illegal orders to the military; that’s the most alarming thing he’s said since he got in the race. But attacking Trump over a potential IRS gone rogue is like attacking him for potentially wanting to intervene in foreign civil wars without Congress’s approval. We’ve seen that movie already. In fact, Hillary Clinton produced that movie.

Even lamer, if the IRS decides to start taking down political enemies, it’s more likely they’d focus on taking down President Trump himself than his adversaries. Judging by their political donations, IRS employees lean in exactly the partisan direction you’d expect the taxman to lean. Obama didn’t need to tell Lois Lerner to target tea partiers. That sort of thing would occur to her naturally given the agency’s institutional lean.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


To Wodun-There is not a chance in hell that Trump would act like Obama, although he can certainly have aspirations.

Posted by: sw | Jul 28, 2016 6:48:39 AM

Democrats greatest fear is that Trump would act like Obama.

Posted by: Wodun | Jul 27, 2016 3:15:35 PM

IRS opens investigation into corrupt Clinton Foundation “pay-to-play” activities

We now can't talk about the "ongoing" investigation

Posted by: Neo | Jul 27, 2016 8:41:07 AM