Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1161

IRS Logo 2Politico, Freedom Caucus Threatens End Run Around Ryan on IRS Impeachment:

House conservatives are threatening to force a vote to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bucking Republican leaders who don't believe his actions warrant such severe consequences.

Leaders of the House Freedom Caucus presented Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) with a choice on Tuesday: Move our impeachment resolution forward in committee on your own accord, or we will likely force the matter by filing a "privileged resolution." In other words, an end run around leadership to the House floor.

They want a commitment from Ryan by the end of the week on a timetable to advance the impeachment measure. ...

Ryan responded by asking the caucus to hold off on forcing any sudden action, according to a person familiar with a meeting with Ryan Tuesday at which caucus leaders brought up the matter. Republican lawmakers deserve a chance to discuss the matter in conference, Ryan said, adding that any further action on Koskinen should be a “team decision."

Conservatives used the same procedure a year ago to launch a pressure campaign that ultimately drove then-Speaker John Boehner from office. ...

Should Ryan and the Judiciary Committee fail to advance the impeachment resolution, the Freedom Caucus will likely file the privileged resolution. A floor vote, however, is unlikely to come before members break for summer recess this week. The House will return in September.

Even Republicans who don't like the idea and don't support it have said privately they will have to vote for impeachment for fear of how it will play back home should they vote the other way.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


I believe he declined to even appear before the committee that was considering impeachment. But it is a waste of time. Firing him would've been a better outcome, but that requires a President who's willing to discipline his own appointees for wrongdoing.

Posted by: MM | Jul 14, 2016 7:47:20 AM

Anything wrong with allowing him defend himself before impeachment? Is this Democracy at work?

Posted by: sw | Jul 14, 2016 5:51:55 AM

Even Republicans who don't like the idea and don't support it have said privately they will have to vote for impeachment for fear of how it will play back home should they vote the other way.

Long past time for Republicans to represent the interests of the people who put them in office. Trump wouldn't be the nominee if they had done so years ago.

Posted by: wodun | Jul 13, 2016 1:14:16 PM