Paul L. Caron

Friday, May 13, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1100

IRS Logo 2National Review, Re: Trump’s Time Bomb:

John Fund’s column today is, no matter what comes in the next few days, the most important column of the week, as it explains why Donald Trump’s weasel-like refusal to release his tax returns is a mortal danger to Republicans and conservatives nationwide — and suggests what should be done about it. John is absolutely right: Republicans, especially delegates, have every right not just to ask for, but to demand, the release of the returns before the convention. With a crew of Lois Lerners running the IRS, those returns surely will leak right after the nomination is made formal.

Mother Jones:  Corrupt IRS Spells Doom For Donald Trump Later This Year, by Kevin Drum:

That's right. The IRS is such a beehive of Democratic Party corruption that Hillary Clinton will have no trouble getting one of her moles to hand over the entire Trump record. Hell, she's probably done it already and is just waiting for the right time to start dribbling out explosive revelations. It's just the kind of things she'd do. Amirite or amirite.

Between left and right, I feel like I'm almost entirely enveloped by bizarre paranoia these days. Can we all just settle down and return to planet Earth for a while?

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Making Trump's tax returns an issue just serves to highlight the corruption of Hillary Clinton, her multibillion dollar slush fund, the Clinton Foundation, and the exchange of favors used to generate that money.

Posted by: wodun | May 13, 2016 9:36:31 PM

Any Republican will face a ceaseless barrage from Dems, media (Dems), and the bureaucracy (Dems). Who can stand up to it best? I think we know the answer.

Posted by: ezag | May 13, 2016 1:46:54 PM