Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Joint Tax Committee Releases IRS Disclosures Of Tax Return Information, 2015
The Joint Committee on Taxation has released Disclosure Report for Public Inspection Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 6103(p)(3)(C) for Calendar Year 2015 (JCX-32-16):
Section 6103(p)(3)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code provides that the Secretary of the Treasury shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, furnish to the Joint Committee on Taxation for disclosure to the public a report which provides, with respect to each Federal agency and certain other entities, the number of: (1) requests for disclosure of returns and return information (as such terms are defined in section 6103(b)); (2) instances in which returns and return information were disclosed pursuant to such requests or otherwise; and (3) taxpayers whose returns, or return information with respect to whom, were disclosed pursuant to such requests. In addition, the report must describe the general purposes for which such requests were made
Pursuant to section 6103(p)(3)(C), the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) prepared a disclosure report for public inspection covering calendar year 2015. ... This document sets forth the report of the Internal Revenue Service.
The report reveals that the IRS made 9.4 billion disclosures of tax return information to federal and state agencies. The recipients of the most confidential taxpayer information were the states (7.9 billion disclosures), Bureau of Census (1.4 billion), GAO (340 million), CBO (256 million), Congress (71 million), the Affordable Care Act (52 million), and child support enforcement agencies (11 million).