Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 1055

IRS Logo 2National Review, Consequences Are for Schmucks:

People like Hillary Rodham Clinton do not go to jail without first becoming governor of Illinois or mayor of Detroit, and Herself always has her sights set on a higher office than those. But even relatively lowly players in her world escape jail time. Lois Lerner turned the Internal Revenue Service into a branch of the Obama campaign, using the agency’s fearsome investigatory powers to harass tea-party groups and conservative organizations. She’s enjoying a fat pension right now rather than the federal hospitality she so richly deserves. Kamala Harris, who is trying to do much the same thing with the office of the attorney general in California, probably is headed to the Senate. The Texas prosecutors who harassed Kay Bailey Hutchison, Tom DeLay, and Rick Perry for wholly imaginary crimes are in no danger of facing real recriminations.

(Hat Tip: Mark Fitzgibbons.)

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Its a party of nationwide corruption and abuse of power to persecute dissidents.

Posted by: wodun | Mar 29, 2016 9:35:04 PM