Paul L. Caron

Friday, January 8, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 974

IRS Logo 2Wall Street Journal editorial, An IRS Retreat on Charity: The Agency Pulls its Proposal to Sweep Up Small-Donor Records:

It’s not every day we can celebrate a less intrusive Internal Revenue Service. But charities and the people who support them will be happy to learn that the IRS has withdrawn its proposal to collect more donor information, including Social Security numbers.

In September the IRS and Treasury Department proposed to give charities the “option” of filing detailed reports on everyone who contributes more than $250 to a charity. The IRS was calling it “voluntary,” which in government means the agency hasn’t gotten around to requiring it yet. We reported on the legitimate fear that new reporting would be required of every nonprofit—including the conservative organizations that the IRS helped muzzle in the 2012 presidential election. [More here, here, here, and here.]

Amazingly enough, in this case the IRS appears to have listened to concerns from the taxpayers who pay their salaries. On Thursday the IRS said it is withdrawing its proposal after receiving “a substantial number of public comments.” Many of the comments “questioned the need for donee reporting, and many comments expressed significant concerns about donee organizations collecting and maintaining taxpayer identification numbers for purposes of the specific-use information return,” said the IRS. The legitimate anger of average citizens was amplified by stalwart IRS watchdogs like Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) on Capitol Hill.

One year after Republicans took control of the Congress, and one year before President Obama leaves the White House, the pendulum is beginning to swing against IRS abuse of taxpayers. Coming on the heels of other reforms in the year-end tax and spending bills—including a ban on new IRS rules limiting political activity—Thursday’s news is reason to cheer.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Seems like they are being forced to be less intrusive. Hardly anything to celebrate, because there are innumerable ways for them to push to be more intrusive in other venues.

What would be a win for citizens would be a wholesale repudiation of the intrusive nature of the IRS (and our government as a whole).

Posted by: ruralcounsel | Jan 8, 2016 4:50:16 AM