Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 972

IRS Logo 2Russ Fox (Taxable Talk), 2015 Tax Offender of the Year:

Once more it’s time to award that prestigious award, the 2015 Tax Offender of the Year. The winner of this award must do more than just cheat on his or her taxes. It has to be special; it really needs to be a Bozo-like action or actions. Unfortunately, there were plenty of nominations. ...

Our final runner up was IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. While I applaud the lead he appears to now be taking on identity theft, Commissioner Koskinen’s reaction to the IRS scandal has been ridiculous. I agree with Joe Kristan’s comment earlier this year:

His glib, arrogant and obstructionist response to the Tea Party scandal, full of denials of the existence of information that subsequently surfaced, has destroyed his credibility. There’s no hope that the IRS will get improved funding as long as he is around to spend it.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Mr. VOI: The emails were lost before Koskinen was appointed; ditto for the hard drive crash. Only the temporarily lost backup tapes happened on Koskinen's watch. I suppose you can waste more money looking for a smoking gun, but I really don't think there is probable cause to suppose that Koskinen ordered that the tapes be lost--or that he had any motive to do so. As for a "real investigation," shall we assume you want another fruitless $70mm or so spent by an "independent" prosecutor? Ken Starr isn't available right now. Who knows, maybe along the way we'd find out Koskinen had an affair with an intern.

Posted by: Publius Novus | Jan 7, 2016 11:10:39 AM

Gator: Thousands of lost emails. "Crashed" hard drives. "Lost" backup tapes. This case cries out for a real investigation. The DOJ won't do it so that leaves impeachment.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Jan 7, 2016 8:28:30 AM

All of this talk of impeachment without any proof of wrongdoing. You people are an embarrassment.

Posted by: gator | Jan 7, 2016 5:59:31 AM

I've been calling for Koskinen's impeachment for years. Boner's Beard would never let it happen.

Posted by: DJ | Jan 6, 2016 12:23:54 PM

Koskinen should be impeached by the House. His trial in the Senate would be a forgone conclusion because the Dems will vote for him. Nevertheless, an impeachment should happen...and probably won't, because the Republicans are gutless. The MSM might get mad at them and Paul Ryan certainly wouldn't want that. Just gutless.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Jan 6, 2016 8:19:09 AM