Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The IRS Scandal, Day 971

IRS Logo 2Washington Post:  Goodbye to 2015, a Year of Absurdity and Overreach, by George F. Will:

E.B. White reportedly said “the most beautiful sound in America” is “the tinkle of ice at twilight.” In 2015’s twilight, you had to fortify yourself with something 90 proof as you remember that year in which: ...

The Internal Revenue Service persecutes conservative advocacy groups but does not prosecute IRS employees who are tax cheats: An audit revealed that over the past decade, the IRS fired only 400 of the 1,580 employees who deliberately violated tax laws, rather than the 100 percent required by law. ...

This list of 2015 ludicrousness could be lengthened indefinitely, but enough already. The common thread is the collapse of judgment in, and the infantilization of society by, government.

Happier New Year.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink
