Paul L. Caron

Monday, November 30, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 935

IRS Logo 2Fox News op-ed:  Lois Lerner and the IRS: Why We Need a Special Counsel Now More Than Ever, by Jay Sekulow:

When I heard the news that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was closing its investigation into former top IRS official Lois Lerner – who’s at the heart of the unlawful targeting scandal of conservative and Tea Party groups – two thoughts came to mind.

First, the decision not to bring any criminal charges against Lerner or anyone else at the agency is very disturbing -- but sadly predictable. And, second, our federal lawsuit to get to the bottom of this targeting scheme is now more important than ever. ...

Now more than ever it is clear that a truly impartial investigation is needed. We once again call for a Special Counsel – an independent investigation into the truth. But it is equally clear that the only way we will ever get to the bottom of this scandal is through the courts.

We continue representing dozens of conservative groups in multiple cases demanding the truth and accountability in federal court.

Our federal case proceeds on appeal after a key ruling in a related case that could dramatically impact the case and provide justice for those who were targeted.

Of the 38 clients we currently represent, two are still awaiting a response from the IRS on their applications - Albuquerque Tea Party is approaching six years in December and Unite in Action has been waiting for more than three years. 

The targeting has not stopped and neither will we in our pursuit of justice.

Now with the DOJ has closed its faux investigation into the IRS targeting scheme, it’s more important than ever that we discover the truth through depositions in our lawsuit – putting Lois Lerner and others under oath – and ask them the key questions to reveal what the Obama administration refuses to concede: that this orchestrated targeting scheme was designed to keep the president’s political opponents on the sidelines during the last presidential election.

We will not give up. We will not stop pressing for the truth.

Americans should never have to fear that the IRS or any other branch of the bureaucracy will target them for their beliefs.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Canada continues to be the bizarro US:

Posted by: Shaggy 2Dope | Nov 30, 2015 2:25:55 PM

Thank you so much for your efforts in keeping this situation on current radar. Never cease!

Posted by: nbpundit | Nov 30, 2015 11:36:12 AM

If some other news comes out about Lerner's "work" at the IRS and the Republicans win, can the next Attorney General reopen the case?

Posted by: Bittman | Nov 30, 2015 11:32:23 AM