Paul L. Caron

Friday, October 16, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 890

IRS Logo 2Breitbart, Ben Carson’s Book Tour Threatens to End Civilization As We Know It:

Ben Carson is going to suspend his presidential campaign for two weeks to hawk his book! This is unprecedented! It shows he’s not serious about running for president! It proves he doesn’t understand anything about how politics works! It’s the end of the world as we know it, and nobody feels fine!

“Sen. John McCain suspended his presidential campaign for a financial crisis. Famed neurosurgeon Ben Carson is doing so for a book tour,” gasped the Huffington Post. The notion that Carson was “suspending” his campaign appeared in headlines and news stories across the Internet. ...

In the ABC report, Carson spokesman Doug Watts explained that leaving the campaign staff behind while Carson spends a few days focusing on his book tour alleviates concerns about “co-mingling from the corporate standpoint to the Federal Election Commission standpoint so it’s just better to avoid any bad appearance.”

Does anyone, post-IRS scandal, think it’s a bad idea for Republican candidates to be extra-careful about attracting the interest of Obama Administration regulatory agencies? Does everyone remember which agency IRS scandal kingpin Lois Lerner worked for, before she signed up with Internal Revenue?

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Political News, Tax | Permalink


And we all know it isn't a problem a Democrat candidate would have to worry about. Hillary doesn't even have to worry about taking bribes for state department favors.

Posted by: wodun | Oct 16, 2015 12:38:45 PM