Paul L. Caron

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 861

IRS Logo 2Real Clear Politics, Descent Into Lawlessness, by Victor Davis Hanson (Stanford):

In the eight-plus since the [Scooter] Libby trial, the Obama administration has blown up the law as we have known it for centuries. ...

Just as scary is the application of the law on the basis of the perceived politics of a suspect.

IRS bureaucrat Lois Lerner was exposed as a rank partisan whose office gave particular scrutiny to would-be tax-exempt groups deemed opponents of Obama's re-election efforts. She invoked the Fifth Amendment and refused to testify before a congressional committee about her actions at the IRS. Lerner has never been indicted.

Almost everything former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stated about her improper use of a private email account and server has been proven false. A State Department staffer who worked on Clinton's private server plans to invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying before a congressional committee about his role in privatizing Clinton's email.

But like Lerner, Clinton has escaped an indictment or jailing.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Heh, just look at how Corzine was treated. Being a Democrat has privileges.

Posted by: wodun | Sep 17, 2015 8:07:15 AM