Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 852

IRS Logo 2Post and Courier editorial, Report: Shocking IRS Behavior:

There’s plenty to be shocked by in the thousands of pages of the Senate Finance Committee’s bipartisan report on the IRS scandal.

But the most shocking is that employees who reviewed applications from organizations seeking tax-exempt status were told to sit on any of them aspiring to educate the public on “the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

The IRS official in charge of this decision was Lois Lerner, who has refused to testify before Congress on the grounds of possible self-incrimination, a privilege guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Talk about irony.

Ms. Lerner apparently was concerned in 2011 that applications with “Tea Party” in their self-description were to be given extra scrutiny and, in effect, put on ice. According to the Senate report, of 290 applications from conservative groups received by the IRS from 2010 to early 2012, only one had been approved by the time of the 2012 presidential election. ...

The exhaustive report by the Senate Finance Committee found no evidence that the crackdown was directed by any outside authority. But Lois Lerner is reported to have expressed views hostile to conservatives and favorable to the Democratic Party and the labor movement.

There is evidence that two applications from the Occupy movement were also mishandled. But of the groups with politically identifiable positions whose applications for tax-exempt status were taken out of the normal approval process, centralized and subjected to long delays, 83 percent were conservative and only 17 percent were liberal. All evidence points to a decided bias in IRS treatment of conservative groups. ...

The Senate Judiciary Committee report makes it clear why the administration wouldn’t want the full truth about the IRS scandal to emerge.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Following disparate impact theory means that this was intentional and that Obama ordered it. This is the only time Democrats won't use disparate impact to judge what happened.

Posted by: wodun | Sep 8, 2015 8:52:41 AM