Paul L. Caron

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 849

IRS Logo 2Kay Bell (Don't Mess With Taxes), Lois Lerner Used Her Dog's Email to Conduct Business:

Lois Lerner, the linchpin in the continuing investigation into the Internal Revenue Service's questionable review of Tea Party groups' applications for tax-exempt 501(c)(4) status, used a second, personal email account to conduct tax agency business.

The account was established for "Toby Miles," which reportedly is the name of Lerner's dog.

National Review says Toby is the dog's name, and Miles is the surname of Lerner's husband, Michael Miles.

Really, Ms. Lerner? Your dog? 

So far, we don't know if "Toby" discussed any 501(c)(4) requests. But still, this does not look good.

Worse, it looks amateurish.

Worst of all, it's more fuel on the fire that is the IRS house slowly burning down while Congressional Republicans dance a jig to the accompanying fiddling.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink
