Paul L. Caron

Friday, August 21, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 834

IRS Logo 2Fox News op-ed:  IRS Targeting Scheme Is a Scandal With No End in Sight, by Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice) :

When the Senate Finance Committee released its findings on the Internal Revenue Service scheme targeting conservative organizations a couple of weeks ago, the initial determination was clear.

As I reported earlier: The findings of the bi-partisan report revealed gross mismanagement at the IRS. But more than that, the evidence shows partisan political animus resulted in the unwarranted targeting of conservative groups because of their political beliefs.

But in the weeks since, as we have dug further into the lengthy report, some important and disturbing comments by former top IRS official Lois Lerner, who served as director of the Exempt Organizations Unit, have come to light.

Remember, it was Lerner who tried to blame this scandal on low-level employees at the IRS in a faux apology issued May 2013 – a flawed attempt to get out in front of an explosive inspector general’s report about the targeting scheme released just days later.

Now we are learning more of the disturbing details about Lerner’s beliefs and behavior thanks to new emails released in conjunction with a two-year probe by the Senate Finance Committee.

The picture is not a pretty one. ...

The findings of the Senate Finance Committee – along with the ongoing probes by other congressional committees – ensure that we will continue to learn more about the depth and breadth of this scheme implemented by Lois Lerner and others.

But, unfortunately, we are no closer to holding those responsible for this unlawful targeting scheme accountable.

And that must become a priority.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink
