Paul L. Caron

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 822

IRS Logo 2Forbes:  Judicial Watch Reveals That They Read Tax Blogs At IRS, by Peter J. Reilly:

Overall, this particular document dump seems to support the President’s view that what is scandalous is the confusing nature of the law. There is certainly no evidence of political appointees mucking around in the details of IRS operations.

At the time Joe Kristan thought that the IRS was wrong to raise the issue and that Senators were right to call the Service to account about it. And this is the part of the document dump that I found most interesting.  Paul Caron summarized Joe’s post and that was apparently printed out numerous times at the IRS as there are multiple copies in the document dump. At 4889 in the dump James Hogan writes to Leslie Finlow

I know you’ve been sucked into this particular morass – thought you might find this useful.

The only problem is that Paul Caron is a pretty good looking guy, but if you take the picture then used on TaxProf, print it out, photo copy it and then scan it, he looks a little villainous.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


So, the secret is revealed. If I want to get a post quoting me in Tax Blog, I need merely include the phrase " Paul Caron is a pretty good looking guy,". Good strategy!

Posted by: dave schutz | Aug 9, 2015 1:30:50 PM