Paul L. Caron

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 812

IRS Logo 2Wall Street Journal, Federal Judge Threatens to Hold IRS Chief in Contempt:

A federal judge threatened to hold Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen in contempt of court on Wednesday, after the agency didn’t comply with an order to provide documents in a case about its alleged targeting of conservative groups. 

Washington Times, Obama Digs In, Refuses to Fire IRS Commissioner:

President Obama has no intention of firing IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, the White House said Wednesday in response to Republican lawmakers calling for his ouster.

Mr. Koskinen “is a man of the highest integrity,” said White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz, who called him “the right person to lead this agency.”

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Federal Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts Hearing:

Panel #1:  John Koskinen (IRS Commissioner)

Panel #2:

  • Cleta Mitchell (Foley & Lardner, Washington , D.C. ) (Testimony)
  • Stephen Spaulding (Common Cause Washington , D.C. ) (Testimony)
  • Edward Greim (Graves Garret, Kansas City) (Testimony)
  • Lawrence Noble (George Washington University Law School) (Testimony)
  • Toby Marie Walker (Waco Tea Party, Waco , TX) (Testimony)
  • Diana Aviv (Independent Sector, Washington , D.C. ) (Testimony)
  • Jenny Beth Martin (Tea Party Patriots, Woodstock , GA) (Testimony)
  • Gregory Colvin (Public Citizen, Washington , D.C. ) (Testimony)
  • Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice, Washington , D.C.) (Testimony)

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Judge Sullivan’s July 1 order was an injunction, at least in part. As such, it was appealable, and the Clerk was required to send notice under FRCP 77. If it was not reduced to writing and no notice was issued, it would be difficult to make a contempt stick. Why not reduce the order to writing, which is what almost all federal judges do all the time?

Posted by: Publius Novus | Jul 30, 2015 5:28:59 PM