Paul L. Caron

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 793

IRS Logo 2Town Hall, I Know What Lois Lerner Did Last Summer:

I know her secret, I know she’s scared, and I know what she did last summer.

If you need something lighthearted to pick yourself up and get back into work after a long holiday weekend, I’ll give you a column that would more humorous if it weren’t so close to the truth. It’s the story about what Lois Lerner and her new bestie, Hillary Clinton, did last summer.

The 4th of July reminded me of the 1997 horror-thriller, “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” where a girl gets attacked on the 4th of July. Which then reminded me of the chilling probability that I may know what girls gone wild like former IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner did last summer. ...

Well, after two summers of chilling at the beach, on May 31 of 2015, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced that Lois Lerner would not be charged with contempt or face charges. Lois could keep the $129,000 in bonuses that she received while presiding over contended favoritism at the IRS and retire will full pension. ...

Lois Lerner’s case isn’t closed. Late last month the chief government watchdog for the IRS revealed at a Congressional testimony that Lerner’s hard drive containing emails dated between 2010 and 2012 appear to have been destroyed by “an impact of some sort.” Translation: Lois might pack a hammer in her beach bag. ...

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George further testified that 422 backup tapes containing up to 24,000 emails sent to and from Lois Lerner had been destroyed by IRS employees. George qualified his revelation by saying that he did not smell foul play in this destruction of evidence. Which makes you question the strength of George’s watchdog sniffer. But, I digress. ...

[A] few days before the 4th of July holiday, we learned that the same woman charged with managing Congress’ investigation into Lerner’s emails has also been charged with overseeing Clinton’s email scandal: an attorney named Catherine Duval.


“If you're going to bury the truth, make sure it stays buried,” was a movie tagline for I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Depending on how well Lois and Hillary buried the truth contained in the thousands of emails that they do not seem eager for you or me to see may determine how many more summers they spend sunbathing—or doing community service. Either way, we know what Lois Lerner did last summer.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


it, not in

Posted by: teapartydoc | Jul 12, 2015 6:42:52 AM

The next person who tries to make a big deal about the 18 minute gap gets in right in the kisser.

Posted by: teapartydoc | Jul 12, 2015 6:42:14 AM

The corruption is right there...out in the open...and the Dems don't especially care who knows it. As long as they have eighty percent of the MSM to cover for them this is going to work. The Republicans who control congress just don't seem interested in these facts. Where is the investigative select committee? Where is the special prosecutor legislation? Why isn't the Speaker and Senate majority leader on TV screaming 'bloody murder'? It's almost as though they are all one party. The Washington D.C. party...perhaps better known as the oligarchs.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Jul 11, 2015 9:53:30 AM