Paul L. Caron

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 742

IRS Logo 2American Center for Law and Justice, State Department Takes a Page from IRS Playbook on Clinton Emails:

Yesterday’s revelation that the State Department is processing (read: stonewalling) 50,000 emails from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton but that none of those emails will be ready for public consumption until sometime in January 2016 is unsurprising. Those emails cover everything from the Benghazi disaster to numerous foreign policy failures.

The State Department is taking a page directly from the IRS’s playbook.

First, you destroy incriminating emails, but don’t tell anyone.  Former Top IRS official Lois Lerner and the IRS perfected this as thousands of her emails mysteriously disappeared.  Clinton played that part well, destroying emails on her own private server instead of using the government server, while State Department staffers blocked attempts by the public to obtain public information.

Second, you wait years until the public discovers what you done.

Third, you deny anything happened to the emails.

Fourth, you cover up.

When that is no longer feasible, you delay, stonewall, obfuscate, and otherwise drag out the process of turning over said emails.

The IRS has been doing this for years, giving excuse after excuse for why it cannot turn over Lois Lerner’s and other’s emails to congressional investigators and public watchdog groups alike.

More than two years into the IRS scandal, we still don’t have all of Lois Lerner’s emails.

The State Department is attempting the same ridiculous tactics with Hillary Clinton’s emails. ... If past is prologue, the State Department will find a way to further delay or cherry pick which emails it releases, as the IRS has successfully done.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


As long as the MSM allows these tactics to continue by refusing to cover these cover-ups this will work. The mainstream media are the single biggest obstacle to uncovering truth in America today...they are part and parcel of the Democrat party.

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | May 21, 2015 11:06:07 AM

The destruction of evidence, stonewalling investigators, and lying to the courts are all signs that nothing inappropriate took place, said no one but deluded Democrats ever.

Posted by: wodun | May 21, 2015 9:41:13 AM