Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 740

IRS Logo 2The Federalist, The 5 Biggest Lies, Myths, And Debunked Claims Of The IRS Scandal:

Remember the Lois Lerner emails the Internal Revenue Service said were lost? Thousands of them were just uncovered, and according to one investigator, they were “right where you would expect them to be.” It was just the latest iteration of a recurring trend in the IRS targeting scandal: investigators debunking attempts by the agency and its apologists to excuse, downplay, or cover up IRS’s abuse of conservative and tea-party groups.

Two years after it was first publicly exposed, here are the five biggest lies, myths, and debunked claims about the IRS scandal.

  1. There Is ‘Absolutely No Targeting’ Program
  2. Agents in Cincinnati Were to Blame
  3. The IRS’s Actions Were Politically Neutral
  4. The IRS Proposed New Rules to Solve the Problem
  5. The E-mails Were Lost

Either through ignorance or dishonesty, the IRS and its defenders have consistently misrepresented the facts of the scandal. Two years after the public was first outraged, it’s clearer than ever that the IRS cannot be trusted to play the role of speech cop.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


6) That Obama's IRS stopped the pogrom after Lerner planted the press conference question.

Posted by: wodun | May 19, 2015 12:45:44 PM