Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 713

IRS Logo 2News Max, IRS Tea Party-Targeting Scandal Continues:

If the tea party and other conservative groups had been fully active in the critical months leading up to the 2012 election, would Mitt Romney be president today? The public will, of course, never know for certain.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, however, the American people do now know the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeted right-leaning organizations applying for tax-exempt status and prevented them from having their voice heard during that period. ...

In their lawsuit, Judicial Watch is asking the courts to order the IRS to do the following:

  • Conduct a search for any and all records responsive to (Judicial Watch’s) FOIA requests.
  • Produce, by a certain date, any and all nonexempt records responsive to (Judicial Watch’s) FOIA requests and a Vaughn index of any responsive records withheld under claim of exemption.
  • Enjoin the [RS from continuing to withhold any and all non-exempt records responsive to the plaintiff’s FOIA requests.

This targeting of donors and other right-leaning groups is intriguing in light of a new Lerner email Judicial Watch just released.

The email discloses that the IRS audited tax-exempt political groups using a separate investigation arm (under Lerner’s control), the Review of Operations Unit. Lerner wrote: "Also, we often use the ROO [Review of Operations Unit] to do initial research. Before starting audits — they don’t touch taxpayers, but can look at publicly available info about orgs."

These documents should dispel any remaining doubt that the Obama administration used tea party applications to do opposition research on individual citizens and groups opposed to President Obama’s policies.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Is the mainstream media EVER going to notice any of this criminality? Imagine if a Republican administration did this to Democrats...think it'd be "newsworthy"?

Posted by: VoteOutIncumbents | Apr 22, 2015 10:26:26 AM

Yes, the Obama administration's IRS didn't just target groups but also individuals and their goal wasn't just to persecute dissidents and prevent them from participating in our Democracy but also to use government agencies to conduct opposition research in the same Big Data manner that Obama ran his campaigns.

Then this opposition research was given to tax exempt Democrat activist groups engaged in politics. The very behavior that the Obama administration claimed was illegal.

Posted by: wodun | Apr 22, 2015 9:20:46 AM