Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 699

GroverNews Max, Grover Norquist: IRS 'Kneecapped' Tea Party for Obama in 2012:

The IRS stole the 2012 presidential election with its ruthless targeting of the tea party, an order that came from President Barack Obama himself, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, tells Newsmax TV.

Norquist — author of the new book End the IRS Before It Ends Us: How to Restore a Low Tax, High Growth, Wealthy America — said the agency dramatically slowed the tea party movement's growth when it questioned the validity of their tax-exempt status.

"That the attack on the tea party in 2011 and 2012 actually made sure that Obama got re-elected," Norquist said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. "They kneecapped the growing tea party movement, slowed it down, scattered it. ...

"The president said out loud, would somebody please get these people for me? And we saw Lois Lerner say, I'm being told and yelled at to do this even though I'm not legally allowed to," Norquist said.

"The president was saying it out loud, the Democrats in the Senate were saying it out loud on television, on radio. They sent her to go after the tea party and they damaged the tea party. They kneecapped a growing movement."

Washington Examiner, Norquist Book: IRS Assault on Tea Party Saved Obama's Presidency:

The administration-ordered persecution of Tea Party groups shut down the movement in time to save President Obama's reelection and starve Republican Mitt Romney of the 4,262,296 votes needed to take the White House, according to an explosive new book from tax foe Grover Norquist.

In End The IRS Before It Ends Us, a clarion call for a new, fairer tax system, Norquist pieces together the IRS scandal and scholarly electoral studies to show that plot worked to stifle the expanding Tea Party movement in the nick of time to help Obama.

"Had the Tea Party repeated and built on their activism of 2009 and 2010 in 2011 and 2012, Obama would have lost the election. What happened to the Tea Party boost? It didn't grow from 2010. It appeared to weaken," writes Norquist, president of the influential Americans for Tax Reform.

But, he adds, "The Tea Party didn't fall down the stairs. It was pushed."

His theory is built on two key facts.

First, he cited a study on the Tea Party movement that found it pushed up to 5.8 million extra Republican voters to the polls in 2010 when the GOP took control of the House, essentially shutting down Obama's agenda.

Then he cites comments in official reports from former IRS executive Lois Lerner, the key figure in the scandal, who said that she received orders in advance of Obama's reelection to "do something" to shut off conservative funding in the wake of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. ...

"In our modern kneecapping, President Obama was Tonya Harding," scoffed Norquist. "The American people who had voted strongly in 2010 and threatened the president's chances of winning in 2010 were Nancy Kerrigan," he added. ...

"In the two years running up to the 2012 Obama re-election campaign, the IRS, driven by a political activist with no experience that would recommend her for that job, decided to smash the Tea Party movement by stopping them from organizing," Norquist concludes.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Norquist can't prove what would have happened if the IRS had promptly approved Tea Party groups. Nobody can. But most people would agree that the IRS kneecapped its own credibility as a non-partisan, non-ideological enforcer of tax law.

Posted by: AMT buff | Apr 8, 2015 9:12:04 AM