Paul L. Caron

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 695

IRS Logo 2Daily Mail, Tea Party Groups Win Round 1 in Court as Federal Judge Demands IRS's List of All 298 Conservative Nonprofits It Targeted:

  • Right-wing groups want court to let them sue the IRS in a class-action lawsuit for violating their constitutional right to equal treatment
  • IRS applied different criteria to right-wing groups, holding up their applications for years while liberal organizations skated through
  • Obama administration fought the release of a list of 298 groups it denied tax-exempt status beginning in 2010, citing privacy concerns
  • Judge in Cincinnati overruled the government and ordered the IRS to hand over the list
  • If court 'certifies' class-action status, the tea party groups will be free to demand emails, phone records and other documents

Additional press and blogosphere coverage:

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


The only privacy concern here is over Obama's privacy rather than the victims of his administration's policies. Obama shouldn't be allowed to use his victims as shields to prevent the courts, congress, and the public from investigating the persecution of political dissidents. This re-victimizes people who Obama has been persecuting.

Posted by: wodun | Apr 4, 2015 11:03:14 AM