Paul L. Caron

Monday, March 30, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 690

Scientology 2Wall Street Journal, Some Things to Fear in ‘Going Clear’:

Watching Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief can be a depressing experience, and not just for the two hours in which the HBO documentary runs. The haunting archival imagery—a powerful element here—fades after a few days, and much of what is said has been said before. Yet whether you come away seeing Scientology as a cult that ensnares vulnerable people or as a faith of self-empowerment, the film leaves a terrible taste of too much information. This must be its point, but take heed just the same.

The documentary is based on the 2013 book, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief, by Lawrence Wright, who provides on-screen commentary here. It was directed by Alex Gibney, who also made the 2012 HBO documentary Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God, about sexual abuse in the Catholic church. ...

As grim and creepy as much of “Going Clear” is, nothing is more disturbing than the account of how Scientology heavies bullied the IRS—using some 2,400 lawsuits and personal investigations of agency officials—into granting Scientology tax-exempt status as a church in 1993. What does it tell you that even back then, some unelected folks in California had more power than members of the U.S. Congress do today as they attempt to investigate the IRS—for using targeting tactics to intimidate people.

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