Paul L. Caron

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 660

IRS Logo 2Wall Street Journal, GOP Lawmakers Seek to Jump-Start Long-Running IRS Investigation:

The new Republican-controlled Congress is trying to pump fresh life into a long-running probe of alleged targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service.

Seeking to jump-start the stalled inquiry, GOP lawmakers raised concerns at a House hearing on Thursday night about possible IRS wrongdoing during the course of the probe.

The hearing by the Oversight and Government Reform Committee revealed few new details, however, and Democrats accused Republicans of airing the allegations prematurely, before all the evidence has been gathered.

Still, the hearing signaled more problems for the beleaguered tax agency, which has faced GOP ire for several years over its treatment of politically-active conservative groups, among other issues.

Witnesses appearing before the committee cited the IRS’s possibly incomplete or incorrect responses to officials’ demands for computer backup tapes containing missing IRS emails. The missing emails belonged to Lois Lerner, a now-retired IRS official who has been a focus of Republican concerns.

Forbes, New IRS Scandal Hearings Reveal 32,000 More Emails, Possible Criminal Activity, by Robert W. Wood:

In new Hearings of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform on February 26, 2015, J. Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General, said he is investigating possible criminal activity at the IRS. The hearings also revealed the fact that investigators have recovered another 32,000 emails relating to Lois Lerner. However, how many of them are duplicates of those previously recovered is not yet clear.

But in what was the most disturbing revelation, House Member attendees were told that the IRS had not even asked for the backup tapes when the ‘hard drive crash’ excuse was first used. That contradicted the prior testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. He had testified to the effect that recovery efforts had been thorough, and that the tapes couldn’t be accessed.

It now appears that no one may have asked. Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., said, “It looks like we’ve been lied to, or at least misled.” ... Several Oversight Committee Members questioned how diligent the IRS had been, given how quickly the investigators now were able to find them. Yet an IRS statement repeats the tax agency’s full cooperation. It has not been inexpensive. The IRS claims to have spent $20 million responding to congressional inquiries, producing documents and providing agency officials to testify at hearings.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


"of alleged targeting of conservative groups"

The original IRS IG report makes it clear that this targeting happened and it isn't alleged behavior.

Posted by: wodun | Mar 1, 2015 11:43:55 AM