Paul L. Caron

Monday, February 16, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 648

IRS Logo 2New York Post editorial, Let’s See Her E-mails:

It’s been nearly two years since Lois Lerner planted a question at an American Bar Association gathering to slip in the fact that the IRS had singled out Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. ...

Contrary to earlier assertions by the IRS, the Lois Lerner ­e-mails Congress sought were not lost forever. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), who chairs the Senate’s Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, says authorities have now managed to recover roughly 16,000 Lerner e-mails. ...

We prefer the way the senator put it on Fox News: “I smell a rat. I smell a number of rats, and that’s what we are going to get to the bottom of.”

We’re as curious as anyone about why the IRS told us the Lerner e-mails were gone forever. But what we really want to know is this: What the heck is in them?

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Emails, by their very nature, have a sender and a recipient. LLerner's "ends" of the emails, whether sent or received, may or may not have been lost. The the other "ends" of the emails are in the hands of the DoJ investigators and the congressional committees. Why are you so concerned about the identical "ends" that were on LLerner's machine(s). They're the same emails.

Posted by: Publius Novus | Feb 17, 2015 11:49:28 AM

Are there forensics that can help establish that we really have "all" of them? Out of 16,000, it is easy to imagine that there are only a couple of hundred that touch on the central topic, and of those, a limited number that are "revelatory".

Posted by: Tom Jewell | Feb 16, 2015 10:36:31 AM

One thing we have learned: all you will get from the Democrats running the IRS and this admistration is nothing but lies. But then as Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings demonstrated, lying - up to and including felony perjury, is publicly admired and celebrated by the Democrat party establishment.

Posted by: Andrew Russell | Feb 16, 2015 9:14:54 AM