Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The IRS Scandal, Day 628

IRS Logo 2National Review, The Attkisson File:

Attkisson is a dogged reporter, and Stonewalled is a gripping book, organized around the Obama-administration scandals she covered at CBS News. With the exception of the IRS scandal, she covered just about all of them: Fast and Furious, green-energy crony capitalism, Benghazi, and Obamacare. Attkisson devotes a chapter to her work on each one.

Each of the scandals falls into a larger pattern of scandal management practiced by the Obama White House. (The reader can infer how the IRS scandal fits the pattern precisely to a T.) Her book is invaluable for how it analyzes and exposes this pattern, combining her reportage and her behind-the-scenes work at CBS News.

The pattern begins with blatant denials — bald lies — and stonewalling. ... Next in the pattern, when the lies fail, comes the attribution of responsibility to the lowest level of bureaucrat. ... Attkisson also shows how the administration, using a technique she calls “controversialization,” disparages any sources and reporters who move the story forward. ...

Stonewalled covers two kinds of scandal: first, the various scandals within the Obama administration; second, the scandalous treatment of these White House scandals by CBS News. With each White House scandal, Attkisson demonstrates the success, more or less, of the Obama administration’s scandal management inside the newsroom at CBS.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Oh, and am I in the Administration, "controversializing'' her? Or do I merely read a wide range of media, not just those on the right?

Posted by: johnqpublic3 | Jan 29, 2015 5:11:19 AM

What she was describing as a "live hack" was absurd.

She's a "dogged reporter" in the sense that she never give up on bogus "scandals'' such as Benghazi. She had to resign over her bungled Benghazi "investigation." If only Mr Issa had to meet the same standards with his series of probes. We are now on our eighth investigation!

Posted by: johnqpublic3 | Jan 29, 2015 5:09:08 AM

If the top comment isn't a typical liberal response to those who expose a fact-proven pattern of corruption by left-wing politicians -- and commenter johnqpublic3 is using it himself.

From the article: Attkisson also shows how the administration, using a technique she calls “controversialization,” disparages any sources and reporters who move the story forward.

Posted by: Woody | Jan 28, 2015 10:46:39 AM

Attkisson, hmm, is that the lady who thought she was getting hacked by the government, but actually she just had a stuck "delete" key?

Posted by: johnqpublic3 | Jan 28, 2015 6:06:40 AM