Sunday, December 7, 2014
Last Pepperdine Bible Study of the Year
With my friend and colleague Jim Gash away this semester teaching in Pepperdine's London Program, my wife and I have had the honor of hosting the law school's Wednesday night Bible Study. We hosted the 14th and final session last Wednesday, and I had the privilege of wrapping up our study of Micah 6:8: "[W]hat does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
I closed with some advice from noted theologian Louis C.K.:
The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough.
You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them.
great piece of scripture. and still applies to today
Posted by: Warren | Dec 8, 2014 8:41:54 AM