Paul L. Caron

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The IRS Scandal, Day 518

IRS Logo 2Bloomberg BNA, U.S. Sidesteps NetJets' Accusations It Destroyed E-Mail Evidence in $643 Million Tax Case, by Marc Heller:

The Justice Department avoided addressing accusations from fractional aircraft ownership company NetJets that the IRS destroyed e-mail evidence sought as part of a fight over $643 million in taxes in an Oct. 6 reply brief.

NetJets had argued in a Sept. 29 motion before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio that the Internal Revenue Service was “reckless” in its destruction of hard drives that contained information being sought by the company and in violation of an order from a magistrate judge. NetJets said the proper sanctions against the government would be to deny DOJ's motion for summary judgment.

DOJ, however, dodged the issue of evidence and argued in its reply brief that changing Federal Aviation Administration regulations can't give NetJets a pass on paying federal transportation taxes on its fractional aircraft program.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


The only thing for a defendant to do is to produce evidence that the IRS does not. If there were errors in the evidence that the was produced by the IRS, the IRS would not be able to produce contrary evidence, as they have destroyed their hard drives,

Posted by: DonM | Oct 10, 2014 8:12:59 AM