Paul L. Caron

Friday, October 3, 2014

The IRS Scandal, Day 512

IRS Logo 2The Blaze:  Not Just Lois Lerner? Multi-Million Tax Suit Claims IRS ‘Wiped Clean’ Email Evidence in Separate Case:

An Ohio-based private jet company entangled in a multi-million dollar lawsuit with the Internal Revenue Service filed a motion this week asserting the tax agency is missing emails from three separate employees that would be evidence in the case, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

The court motion and the federal case are unrelated to the IRS targeting scandal. Nevertheless, it comes after extensive congressional inquiries in Washington over missing emails from Lois Lerner, the former head of IRS tax-exempt organizations unit, who last year admitted to giving extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for exempt status.

The IRS said the subpoenaed Lerner emails were destroyed in a hard drive crash. The agency later admitted that other emails related to the targeting were missing.

The jet company, NetJets, asserts that the IRS “wiped clean a number of computer hard drives containing emails and other electronic documents that the government was required to produce,” according to the motion filed with U.S. District Judge Edmund A. Sargus Jr., the Dispatch reported.

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Nice job of grouping the scandals into hundred-day buckets. Who would have dreamed when you started this theme that the IRS scandal would carry on for over five-hundred days and need to be condensed, except people like me who don't get thrills up their legs from Obama?

Posted by: Woody | Oct 3, 2014 8:45:30 AM