Paul L. Caron

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Details Emerge in Murder of Dan Markel

Markel[Continually Updated]  More details are emerging in the July 18 murder of Dan Markel, D’Alemberte Professor of Law at Florida State and founder of PrawfsBlawg, as the result of a shooting in his home:

I have collected links to the many tributes to Dan here.

Dan Markel Memorial Fund To Benefit His Sons, Benjamin Amichai Markel and Lincoln Jonah Markel:


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It's striking that standard policy in that town--everywhere?-- is that the ambulance won't come tillt he police phone an "all clear" saying it's safe. I can imagine no good reason for this. If there'sa cornered criminal, maybe, but that's a negligible fraction of shootings. A lesson of this seems to be: if someone gets shot, don't bother with 911--- put them in your car and get them to the hospital.

Posted by: Eric Rasmusen | Aug 5, 2014 11:58:28 AM

To Transactional Prof: Recent Tax Return Fraud Cases

Posted by: NoClearMotives | Jul 27, 2014 12:05:35 PM

To transactional Prof: FSU Athletes or Recent Violent Gun Crimes

Posted by: NoClearMotives | Jul 27, 2014 12:01:05 PM

Any evidence to suggest Mr. Markel was in the process of leaving/returning home when "ambushed"? How did the suspect(s) leave? Garage door is CLOSED in police photos and police reports that home was LOCKED. Why does this suggest he knew the suspects?

Posted by: NoClearMotives | Jul 27, 2014 11:46:34 AM

The Tally PD are stumped. So they throw out this "must have known his attacker" line to take some weight off of their slumping shoulders.

They seem to have no solid clues and no good trails to follow at this time.

Posted by: Travelinman | Jul 26, 2014 3:12:01 PM

Why do news stories keep repeating that Dan must have known his attacker because he opened the door? In Canada at least, it's normal to open the door when someone knocks. Doesn't mean you know them.

Posted by: David Briggs | Jul 25, 2014 2:32:34 AM

I hope they catch whoever did this. This is so tragic.

Posted by: HTA | Jul 22, 2014 2:32:03 PM

So who did not appreciate being investigated? Or who had something in NW Fl to hide...

Posted by: Transactional Prof | Jul 22, 2014 11:21:27 AM

Dan was investigating criminal proceedings under color of law in northwest Florida.

Posted by: Lionel | Jul 21, 2014 1:22:29 PM