Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The IRS Scandal, Day 390

IRS Logo 2Wall Street Journal op-ed:  Congress Abetted the IRS Targeting of Conservatives, by Bradley A. Smith & David Keating (both of the Center for Competitive Politics):

On Monday the Center for Competitive Politics filed a complaint with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics against nine U.S. senators [Sens. Bennet, Durbin, Franken, Levin, Merkley, Schumer, Shaheen, Udall, Whitehouse]: for interfering with IRS tax proceedings; for misusing official resources for campaign purposes; and for improper conduct that reflects poorly upon the Senate. Attempting to use the IRS to advance a partisan, electoral agenda is a fundamental assault on good government. We believe these elected officials have staged such an assault.

The complaint documents how the senators improperly interfered with IRS adjudications to further their party's electoral prospects. They pressured the IRS to undertake income-tax investigations of specific organizations, to find that specific organizations were in violation of the law, to reach predetermined results pertaining to pending applications by individual organizations for nonprofit status, and to adopt specific regulatory interpretations and policies to further their campaign goals.

IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink
