Paul L. Caron

Monday, June 2, 2014

The IRS Scandal, Day 389

IRS Logo 2Thiago Sorrentino was kind enough to let me know that the Supreme Court of Brazil (the Supremo Tribunal Federal) has cited my daily roundup on the IRS Scandal in Medida Cautelar NA Susepnsao De Tutela Antecipada (STA/752):

Without revealing transparency of the criteria for application of the tax rules , the appeal of the State to protect free enterprise and fair competition declines to a cognitive framework of uncertainty , as that on which the fiscalizatórios thorough review procedures of the Internal Revenue Service U.S. , due to the selectivity of legal interpretation as non- legal criteria ( see, for all the record that Prof. . Caron Paul does in 17.html ); In these terms , the argument would only be permissible risk to free enterprise and fair competition that each taxpayer could realize the full control of the criteria used to apply tax rules , both those that define the tax burden as those that effectively prohibit the exercise of activity economic lawful. Given these caveats, impart pled measure to suspend the company - interested in the records of Action to advance protection

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


The link to TIGTA's report, Review of Fair Tax Collections Practices Violations, was ill-formed. I apologize and enclose the correct one (by now old news, but still.....) It is:

Posted by: SCW | Jun 12, 2014 8:28:14 AM

This is a scandal too - or it should be: Review of Fair Tax Collection Practices Violations During Fiscal Year 2013 ( It appears that after going its way not to find anything, TIGTA did so anyway.

Posted by: SCW | Jun 4, 2014 12:12:23 PM

Thanks again for the daily summary. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Posted by: Brian L. O'Connor | Jun 2, 2014 9:03:40 AM