Paul L. Caron

Monday, April 14, 2014

The IRS Scandal, Day 340

IRS Logo 2National Review:  Woodward on IRS Scandal: ‘There’s Obviously Something Here’:

The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward knows a thing or two about investigating Washington scandals, and he believes the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups merits a deeper look.

“We should dig in to it — there should be answers,” he said on Fox News Sunday. “For the president to take that position is very, very unusual and say there’s not a ’smidgen of evidence here.’”

Woodward raised questions about the Republican House committees’ ability to properly and effectively carry out such an investigation. He laid out what his approach would be to dealing with stonewalling from Lois Lerner, as well as the administration, including speaking with others close to the situation rather than just the major players. But Woodward also warned of congressional Republicans’ crossing the line in their accusations of Lerner and others involved.

“There’s obviously something here,” he explained. “The question is, does this committee know how to investigate.”

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