Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Five Year Old's Letter to the IRS: 'It's OK If You Talk With My Mommy About My Taxes'

ViralNova, The IRS Sent This FIVE YEAR OLD BOY A Letter About His Taxes. His Response Is Classic. LOLOL:

They say taxes are a certainty of life, although that isn’t true for most 5 year-olds. However, there’s one little boy who must file an individual tax return for a variety of reasons. So when he received a letter from the IRS questioning several items on his most recent return, his mother naturally responded for him. She received this in return (regarding her 5 year-old son):

“Dear Mr. Smith: we don’t recognize Susan F. Smith as someone authorized to discuss your tax file. If you want Susan F. Smith to be authorized to discuss your return we suggest you go online and submit form 8892 and form, etc.” Since the government already had the little boy’s Social Security Number and knew he was a minor, his parents were perplexed. So, they naturally decided that he should write the IRS himself. This is his letter.

tax letter

(Hat Tip: Tom Bruce.)

IRS News, Tax | Permalink


The next letter from the IRS: Dear Mr. Smith, we do not recognize green crayon. Please resubmit using blue or black ink.

Posted by: Beau Baez | Feb 18, 2014 1:25:52 PM