Paul L. Caron

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The IRS Scandal, Day 227

IRS Logo 2News Busters:  Year-End Awards: The ‘Move Along, Nothing to See Here Award,’ for Denying Obama’s Scandals:

This week, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” reviewing the worst media bias of the year, as selected by our panel of 42 expert judges.

2013 was the year that scandal after scandal — from the IRS targeting the Tea Party, to Benghazi, to the lies surrounding ObamaCare, and on and on — hit the Obama administration, but journalists kept acting as if the President and his team were clean as a whistle. So today, the results of our “Move Along, Nothing to See Here Award,” for denying Obama’s scandals. ...

Coming in second, MSNBC daytime host Martin Bashir, who back on June 5 tried to claim that it was just racist for Republicans to investigate the political abuses at the IRS:

The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the President’s birth certificate...Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the President to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House....This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this President — the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean.

While Bashir claimed the investigation was motivated by racism, his primetime colleague Lawrence O’Donnell on May 15 said the whole thing was just a misunderstanding, that the IRS targeting of conservative organizations was entirely correct:

I do not believe what the IRS was reported to have been doing is an outrage. I believe that the IRS agents in this case did nothing wrong. Let me say it again. You won’t hear it anywhere else. The IRS agents did nothing wrong. They were simply trying to enforce the law as the IRS has understood it since 1959.”

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