Paul L. Caron

Friday, November 22, 2013

The IRS Scandal, Day 197

IRS Logo 2

Bloomberg, IRS Workforce Turnover Part of Tea-Party Scrutiny Fallout:

The furor over scrutiny of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service, which hurt President Barack Obama politically, has heightened difficulties for tax preparers dealing with the agency, according to a lawyer who specializes in tax-exemption issues.

Preparers representing groups who have or are seeking tax-exempt status frequently are working with IRS employees who have little experience in such matters, said Marcus Owens, a partner with the Caplin & Drysdale (PFE) law firm.

Most senior officials in the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division have either retired or been pushed out following the agency’s disclosure earlier this year that the office was giving extra attention to some of the anti-tax Tea Party groups seeking tax exempt status, Owens said at a Nov. 15 conference in Washington, and he expressed concern about the loss of seasoned personnel, Bloomberg BNA reported.

The replacements for these officials have “essentially no tax administration experience,” he said. ‘No experience interpreting the Internal Revenue Code, no experience dealing with taxpayers that apply the code, no experience in doing what the exempt organizations function has done and is in charge of doing.’’

Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:

IRS News, IRS Scandal, Tax | Permalink


Thank you for doing this - but it may be 1000 days before we see any action

Posted by: Aclay | Nov 22, 2013 10:10:09 PM