Paul L. Caron

Monday, October 21, 2013

The IRS Scandal, Day 165

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Washington Post:  Lois Lerner, Ousted From IRS, Volunteers to Screen Grant Applications in Montgomery Co.:

Lois Lerner was the public face of a scandal that brought the IRS to its knees this past summer: revelations that it had been improperly scrutinizing conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Since her resignation last month, the former head of the IRS’s exempt-organizations division, who lives in Bethesda, has evidently been looking to fill the extra time with some volunteer work. She’s seeking a spot on the Montgomery County citizens panel that reviews grant applications from tax-exempt, nonprofit community groups.

Lerner wrote to County Council President Nancy Navarro on Oct. 9 expressing her interest in serving on the Grants Advisory Group, a panel appointed by the council to screen applications for funding support. ...

Lerner’s letter, with a resume attached, mentions how she worked with exempt organizations to redesign IRS Form 990, which they must use to disclose their activities, finances and governance. "During that process, I learned a lot about the qualities that make an organization effective and efficient,” she wrote. “I believe that knowledge would be useful to the team determining where the county should spend its limited grant funds.”

Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:

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