Sunday, October 13, 2013
Coolidge Foundation Offers $20,000 Prize for Best Blog Post
The Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation announces the Coolidge Prize for Journalism, a $20,000 prize for short writing of published articles or published blog posts under 800 words each:
The prize will go to the author who best captures the spirit of the thirtieth president and the ideals Coolidge favored, some of which were: independence, thrift, balanced budgets, a restrained federal government, active state government, perseverance after hardship, appreciation of commerce, stable money, support for international law, competence at work, meticulous respect for the Constitution, civility and respect for religious faith.
The Coolidge Prize for Journalism will be awarded at a banquet dinner in New York City on November 12, 2013. To be eligible for the prize, the candidate must commit to attending the banquet dinner should he/she be named the winner (reasonable travel costs will be covered by the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation).
Deadline to apply: October 20, 2013 at noon EDT.
In my office I have a second edition (1919) copy of "Have Faith in Massachusetts", a collection Coolidge's speeches and messages whilst serving as governor of that state. The above description " state government.." is apt, he intervened far more then legend suggests. His autobigraphy is a great read also.
Like Hoover and FDR, Coolidge is way more interesting than the simplified sketch your high school education drew.
Posted by: Yo Gabba Gabba | Oct 14, 2013 11:06:23 AM