Sunday, August 25, 2013
More on President Obama's Support for a Two-Year J.D.
Following up on Friday's post, President Obama: Law School Should be Two Years:
- ABA Journal, Two-Year JD Idea Gets a High-Profile Supporter: President Obama
- Matt Bodie (St. Louis), The Problems with the President's Two-Year Plan
- Chalk & Talk, Obama’s Bumbling Law School Reform
- Chronicle of Higher Education, Obama Singles Out For-Profit Colleges and Law Schools for Criticism
- Dan Farber (UC-Berkeley), Environmental Law and the Two-Year Law School
- Paul Horwitz (Alabama), Two Cheers for the President's "Two-Year" Proposal
- Stephen Gillers (NYU), Obama: Two Years of Law School Can be Enoough
- Inside Higher Ed, 2 Years for Law School?
- Matt Leichter, Obama Favors Law Graduate Underemployment, Poverty Wages
- Mary Lynch (Albany), Obama Comment on 2 Years of Law School
- New York Times, Obama Says Law School Should Be Two, Not Three, Years
- Dan Rodriguez (Dean, Northwestern), President Obama Weighs in on Law Schools
- Wall Street Journal, President Obama Backs Two-Year Law Degree
- Washington Post, Obama: Law Schools Should Think About Being ‘Two Years Instead of Three’
Great. Everyone who has been through law school knows that the third year is a complete waste. Better, make it an undergraduate program as it is in the UK and Canada, and as it was in the US before WWII. Even better, a two year associate degree program in community colleges just like useful trades such as HVAC repair.
Posted by: Walter Sobchak | Aug 26, 2013 7:12:36 AM