Paul L. Caron

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The IRS Scandal, Day 80

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And now for the latest IRS Scandal: A client just received a notice from IRS informing them that “due to a programming issue we experienced, the CP2000 notice you received in July from the IRS may have included an incorrect interest calculation in the ‘Amount Due’ section of your notice. That programming error has been corrected. If you have already paid the amount due or have agreed to the proposed assessment, you may receive an additional notice that reflects the difference in the interest amount you paid and the amount you actually owe. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.”

Another client paid about $400 interest in June on a CP2000 assessment and received a refund check for $396 because IRS determined that the correct amount was only $4. I will advise her to expect a bill soon.

Sometimes, the bureaucracy is evil. Most of the time, though, it’s just stupid.

Posted by: Bob | Jul 28, 2013 9:29:30 AM