Tuesday, July 16, 2013
More on 'Law Schools Slash Professor Jobs as Enrollments Drop'
Following up on this morning's post, WSJ: Law Schools Slash Professor Jobs as Enrollments Drop:
- ABA Journal, Law Schools Cope With Declining Enrollment by Quietly Cutting Faculty
- Above the Law, Law Professors Enter a Time of Consequences as ABA Fights to Preserve Their Status Quo
- Bloomberg, Law School Enrollment Plummets, but Not at Harvard
- Paul Campos (Colorado), Is Hamline Law School on its Last Legs?
- Greedy Associates: Schools Cut Enrollment, Faculty; ABA Wants Faculty Job Security
- Kansas City Business Journal, Law Professors Get the Axe as Enrollment Drops
- Law and More: Law Faculty: Nice Job When They Had It
- Brian Leiter (Chicago), More Schools Shrinking Their Faculties (and Their Student Bodies)
- St. Louis Business Journal, Law Schools 'About to Get Walloped'