Paul L. Caron

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The IRS Scandal, Day 79

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And then there is Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent today, who compares this to Senator Rubio's "complete gibberish" on Obamacare implementation:

>This reminds me a bit of Mitch McConnell’s recent speech on the IRS scandal, in which he said:

"Now we have an administration that’s desperately trying to prove that nobody at the top was involved in any of this stuff, even as they hope that the media loses interest in this scandal and moves on."

As Jonathan Chait noted at the time: “McConnell’s speech is an attempt to reframe the issue in a way that it can survive the utter absence of incriminating facts…Before Republicans were going to prove that Obama’s administration was involved. All of the evidence suggests it wasn’t. So now McConnell is framing the question as Obama trying to prove he wasn’t involved. Which, of course, he can’t.” Chait added this indicated that “the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase,” and that the IRS scandal has now become “a vague trope that conservatives use with other members of the tribe,” to “signal some dark beliefs they don’t need to back up.”<

Sargent, of course is recycling an opinion linked here on Day 44. Should we call this Month 2 of the IRS Post-Fact Phase?

Posted by: Bob | Jul 27, 2013 9:07:43 AM