Sunday, June 9, 2013
The IRS Scandal, Day 31
- CBS News: Rep. Cummings Claims Evidence IRS Scandal Didn't Originate in D.C.
- Daily Caller: Conservatives Want Former Obama Aide Stephanie Cutter to Testify on IRS
- Daily Caller: Independents Blame White House for IRS Scandal
- Jay Leno: "We wanted a president that listens to all Americans – now we have one. Yeah. Actually, President Obama clarified the situation today. He said no one is listening to your phone calls. The president said it’s not what the program is all about. You know, like the IRS isn’t about targeting certain political groups. That’s not what it’s about!"
- Jay Leno: "If Obama wants to put this snooping thing to good use, how about spying on the IRS next time they throw a $4 million party."
- Jay Leno: "Congressional investigators say the IRS basically threw a $4 million party for themselves. But in fairness, who else is going to throw a party for the IRS? Really? Now, a going away party, I think we’d all chip in. I would chip in!"
- Jay Leno: "[T]he IRS has taken some heat for reportedly spending $4 million on a conference in Anaheim last year where employees took dancing lessons. One of the dances they learned? Tap dancing around the issues."
- Jay Leno: "They’re saying the IRS paid an artist $17,000 to paint portraits of Abraham Lincoln to help inspire the IRS agents. You know, if they want to see a picture of Lincoln for inspiration, take out a $5 bill and save the taxpayers $16,995."
- Politico: Cummings: I'll Release IRS Transcripts
- Politico: Kristol, Matalin: Don't Conflate NSA and IRS
- PolitiFact: "There Was No Surge in 501(c)(4) Applications in 2010." True.
- PolitiFact: "'During the Bush Administration, Liberal Groups Were Targeted' by the IRS, Similar to Recent Targeting." Mostly False.
- Reason: IRS Lawyer Fingered for Political Targeting Will Retire
- Ricochet: Lame Excuses for the IRS Scandal Get Lamer and Bite More Dust
- Think Progress: IRS Staff Undermine GOP Claims That White House Directed Targeting Of Conservative Groups, Top Democrat Says
- Town Hall: If Not Obama, Then Impeach the 16th Amendment
- Town Hall: More Evidence of Abuse from the IRS
- Washington Examiner: Conservatives Demand Obama Campaign Aide Testify on IRS
- Washington Examiner: Tea Party Group Announces 'Audit the IRS' March in D.C.
- The Week: The IRS's Long History of Scandal
- Weekly Standard; Dem. Congressman on IRS Scandal: 'The Case Is Solved. Wrap This Case Up and Move On."
Prior TaxProf Blog coverage:
- IRS Admits to Targeting Conservative Groups in 2012 Election (May 10, 2013)
- WaPo and WSJ Agree: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Is Appalling (May 11, 2013)
- Schmalbeck on the IRS 'Targeting' of Conservative Groups (May 12, 2013)
- The Deepening IRS Scandal (May 13, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 5 (May 14, 2013)
- Jon Stewart and Vic Fleischer on the IRS Scandal (May 14, 2013)
- Inspector General: Ineffective IRS Management Allowed Agents to Target Conservative Groups (May 14, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 6 (May 15, 2013)
- Ellen Aprill, The TIGTA Report on the IRS Scandal: Questions About the IRS and About the Report (May 15, 2013)
- Phillip Hackney, The TIGTA Report on the IRS Scandal: Be on the Lookout for False Partisan Witchunts (May 15, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 7 (May 16, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 8 (May 17, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 9 (May 18, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 10 (May 19, 2013)
- SNL on the IRS Scandal (May 19, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 11 (May 20, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal: Really?! (May 20, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 12 (May 21, 2013)
- Steven Colbert on the IRS Scandal (May 21, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 13 (May 22, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 14 (May 23, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 15 (May 24, 2013)
- Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert on the IRS Scandal (May 24, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 16 (May 25, 2013)
- Jason Jones on the IRS Scandal (May 25, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 17 (May 26, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 18 (May 27, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 19 (May 28, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 20 (May 29, 2013)
- The Impact of the IRS Scandal on Tax Reform (May 29, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 21 (May 30, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 22 (May 31, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 23 (June 1, 2013)
- 'Cupid Shuffle' Dance Training Video Adds to IRS Woes (June 1, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 24 (June 2, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 25 (June 3, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 26 (June 4, 2013)
- Jon Stewart on the IRS Scandal (June 4, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 27 (June 5, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 28 (June 6, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 29 (June 7, 2013)
- The IRS Scandal, Day 30 (June 8, 2013)