Paul L. Caron

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tulane Joins Rankings Hall of Shame

Tulane University LogoInside Higher Ed:  Yet Another Rankings Fabrication:

Tulane University has admitted that it sent U.S. News & World Report incorrect information about the test scores and total number of applicants for its M.B.A. program.

The admission -- as 2012 closed -- made the university the fourth college or university in that year [joining Claremont McKenna, Emory, and George Washington] to admit false reporting of some admissions data used for rankings. In 2011, two law schools [Illinois and Villanova] and one undergraduate institution were found to have engaged in false reporting of some admissions data. ...

Robert Morse, who heads the rankings at U.S. News, wrote on his blog that the incorrect data had been used in calculating Tulane's rank in the magazine's M.B.A. rankings. ... Currently the university is 43rd on that list. In the methodology the magazine uses to evaluate M.B.A. program, the average GMAT score has a weight of 16.25%, and the acceptance rate (which is based in part on the total number of applicants) counts for 1.25%.

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It appears that Dean Solomon stepped into a bad situation. The story is just loaded with irony. As Dean Solomon left an institution with an admissions scandal (Illinois), he steps into the middle of another. It also doesn't help that Dean Solomon is a noted scholar in audit theory and internal controls. Perhaps its no coincidence that after he steps into the deanship he discovered inaccuracies that appear to predate his tenure.

Posted by: ILL | Jan 3, 2013 2:48:06 PM

The President of George Washington at the time its scandal began was Stephen Trachtenberg, Esq.

Posted by: JD3 | Jan 3, 2013 11:36:09 AM