Paul L. Caron

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The 25 Most Influential People in Legal Education

NJ CoverNational Jurist:  The 25 Most Influential People in Legal Educationn:

  1. Brian Tamanaha (Professor, Washington U.)
  2. William Henderson (Professor, Indiana)
  3. Frank Wu (Chancellor & Dean, UC-Hastings)
  4. Erwin Chemerinsky (Dean, UC-Irvine)
  5. Kyle McEntee (Co-founder, Law School Transparency)
  6. Patricia White (Dean, Miami)
  7. Bryant Garth (Dean Emeritus and Professor, Southwestern)
  8. David Levi (Dean, Duke)
  9. Catherine Carpenter (Professor, Southwestern)
  10. The Faculty of Washington & Lee
  11. Claudio Grossman (Dean, American)
  12. Phoebe Haddon (Dean, Maryland)
  13. Blake Morant (Dean, Wake Forest)
  14. Kevin Johnson (Dean, UC-Davis)
  15. William Treanor (Dean and Executive VP, Georgetown)
  16. Sophie Sparrow (Professor, New Hampshire)
  17. Richard Sander (Professor, UCLA)
  18. Paul Campos (Professor, Colorado)
  19. Hiram Chodosh (Dean, Utah)
  20. Jerry Organ (Professor, U. St. Thomas)
  21. John O'Brien (Dean, New England)
  22. Philip Weiser (Dean, Colorado)
  23. Jim Chen (Professor, Louisville)
  24. Lizabeth Moody (Dean Emeritus and Professor, Stetson)
  25. John Garvey (Professor, New Hampshire)

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The magazine "asked 350 people in legal education, including, every law school dean, to rate each nominee based on how much they influenced them in the past 12 months." You'd expect that the elite schools would not place well on that kind of survey, since the elite schools aren't part of the reform movement.

Posted by: hty67 | Jan 5, 2013 8:20:08 AM

How was this list put together? WHY no Yale, Columbia, etc etc on the list??

Posted by: Luis | Jan 4, 2013 4:28:02 PM

Interesting. No HLS, Yale, Columbia, Penn, Cornell, or Stanford. Poor old Dean Langdell is rolling over.

Posted by: Publius Novus | Jan 4, 2013 6:27:48 AM

I don't think any of these people will have any lasting influence.

Posted by: michael livingston | Jan 4, 2013 3:04:15 AM

Harrumph! Obviously not an authoritative list, as Caron is omitted.

Posted by: Jake | Jan 3, 2013 6:21:13 PM