Paul L. Caron

Monday, July 2, 2012

Will Rutgers-Camden Fill Only 100 of 269 1L Seats This Fall?

Rutgers-Camden LogoRutgers-Camden had 269 1Ls last year.  Recent reports suggest that they may be able to admit only 100 students this fall (due in part to the uncertainty created by the proposed merger with Rowan University):

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This sort of desparation is, in my mind, is very encouraging. Things are moving beyond the control of the schools!

The word is out, as Prof. Henderson made clear: the data are now available (through no sense of social/market responsibility or basic morality on the part of law schools - they had to be utterly FORCED!!!) to make a very basic cost benefit-assessment of whether it makes sense to attend a particular law school in light of:

1) one's particular professional goals;

2) the probability of attaining those goals; and

3) the corresponding life-long high-interest debt shackles that will have to be incurred to endulge in the gamble.

It appears that folks are begining to act "rationally" with respect Rutgers-Camden. Economists rejoice!

Also, I recently sent a check to Law School Transparency, not my alma matter, in furtherance of their socially just cause...Just doing my moral and civic duty, pursuant to what I was taught in my mandatory ethics course at my institution!

Posted by: Loyola Grad | Jul 2, 2012 3:58:38 PM

So they actually found 100 qualified students. Or is it that they had only 100 applicants?

Posted by: PTL | Jul 2, 2012 2:01:16 PM